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Information about the MSEF Fair

The  Annual Metropolitan Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF)/Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences (NJAS) is open to all greater Omaha-area students in grades 6-12. The MSEF/NJAS gives students an opportunity to present and display their research projects and have their projects judged by area college instructors and practicing professionals in the projects field. MSEF is affiliated with the Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences (NJAS). Further information about this year's fair is found in this year's Booklet. To receive detailed MSEF entry and fair day information by email, please request this under CONTACT below.


Over $3,000 in cash, savings bonds, gift certificates, and trophies was awarded to 255 participants in the last year's Metropolitan Science and Engineering Fair. This year's MSEF Fair will also include such awards. The top 6 MSEF projects from each division will compete in the NJAS Science Fair competition. The top projects at NJAS are invited to present and be published by the American Junior Academy of Sciences.


MSEF is organized by the Metropolitan Science and Engineering Fair, Inc., a non-profit organization made up of educators, business people, engineers, and scientists. Contributors to the fair include many local businesses, individuals, industries, and organizations. Contributors are listed in this web site.  


Science teachers in all metropolitan Omaha schools as well as practicing science and engineering professionals in the metropolitan area will assist students with projects. All schools will receive the official MSEF booklet upon request. The booklet contains general information about the fair, suggestions on doing science projects, science fair project references, specific rules and regulations, registration forms, and abstracts. This web site contains much of this information. Students and teachers may download or directly print any forms or information from this web site.


Metropolitan Science & Engineering Fair Inc

PO Box 31152

Omaha, NE 68131


(531) 202-8420

(402)932-2025 ext. 1006

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